Friday, June 24, 2016

For those Who Came In Late

Hello all!

Every now and then I like to put a hold on the usual blogs and reintroduce myself for anybody who might be joining us recently. New friends who might have stumbled onto my books or my twitter or my blog and decided to take a seat and join the fun.

So a very friendly hello to you!

My name is Carl, I'm an author of fantasy and mystery, of novels and comics and short stories, and of rambling blogs like this very one you're reading. If you're ever wondering what you should read, might I recommend my last novel, Pilgrimage. It's a lot of fun and excitement with a touch of drama and plenty of fantasy, magic and monsters, all set in modern rural Australia. Come on, when's the last time you read a fantasy novel set in modern rural Australia? Try it out.

If you'd like to try that book or any other, there are links at the side of the blog to their Amazon page or if you scroll up and click on that box that says 'Books by Carl' you can find blurbs for each book and a couple of other links to purchase my books in your preferred store and format. If you're the kind of folk who like to try before you buy, you can click on 'Free Stories N' Stuff'' to find some short stories and some sample chapters from my novels.

Otherwise, feel free to pull up a chair and listen to my random musings and ramblings. My blog is mostly about my thoughts and experience as a writer. I'm sure you'll find it helpful, interesting, or both.

And now, there's something I've been promising to announce on Twitter and Facebook and here it is...

I have a new book coming out!

Summer's End is a hard boiled detective story set in a small Washington town. It has mystery, intrigue, drama, action, excitement and even romance! I am positive that you'll enjoy it!

No release date yet, other than soon. Very soon. Keep watching this space for updates! I'll be bringing you blurbs, samples and proper release dates in the coming weeks.

Until then, friends, I've got plenty of work to do, so I'll see you next time!

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